Wednesday, 2 January 2013


I was so excited when I unwrapped my Lomography Diana F+ camera on Christmas morning. I've been dying to get my hands on one for such a long time, particularly after visiting the brands Manchester branch. Walls covered with photos charmed me instantly and I knew one of their cameras was to be pride of place on my wishlist, especially to mark the start of a new year. It may seem a little obvious,with the new name above but I finally feel ready to take things in a new direction. I mean that in a sense of both blogging and life, and my camera is to the perfect inspiration to do so. In blogging terms, I'm saying goodbye to holy tightss and all its fashion pretentiousness and welcoming more of a visual diary to my life, hopefully it will encourage me to write more about what I desire to and think about, as opposed to a small section of my ideas and interests. I also want to get more creative and feel less concerned about the consequences of it not being a fashion related post. I just want to enjoy writing, photography, living and sharing with you all a little more.

In life terms, a camera without a delete button is the perfect way to look at things. The lack of an erase function represents both the past and the future simultaneously. You cannot delete the shots you have previously created, but if you want to do things different, learn to take a better photograph. You may not like all the exam results you have, so try revising differently. You may not like the body you have, so treat it differently, fit the right things into the frame like exercise, and make sure you don't catch the bad food into your lens. If you want to change the way you view life, try to use every develop film as a  guide to the good and bad, and use every new film as a change to embrace the positive and start again.

But there's also one more thing, and maybe the most important to learn from a little disposable camera. How many times do you take a photo before you think, okay, that's Facebook acceptable? a simple one chance camera is perfect to stop the insecurities and to start accepting somethings cant be changed. Wait a while before you get the film developed and changes are you'll see past however you looked and see only the memories the photo helped retain.

A row of photos in your room will be tinged with both happiness and a sad element. A year cannot simply just be wonder, love, laughter and late nights. It must also be work, pain and sadness. But you know what? Thats life. And life with all its mixtures and chaos, is simply beautiful. So I hope your 2013 is filled with memories; One that make you unbelievable happy, ones that make you want to change the world, and ones you'll be glad you had you camera by your side for.

                                                     Happy new year.

        What are you New Years resolutions? Or what are you aiming to do differently this year?