Monday, 27 August 2012

Polka Dots and Cappuccinos!

I've tried to come up with some fancy, intellectual deep sentence to start this blog post, in an attempt for you to somehow grasp the scale of philosophical pondering Hannah and I did while people watching from a window from the Costa of Huyton Village, but since I'm all out, you'll have to make as best use of this sentence as you can. 

Although our original intention for today was not to sip coffee and chat, but to instead take a trip to Matthew street, I thoroughly enjoyed our caffeine induced thoughts on pretty much everything more then a soggy august  day in the city center. The main subject matter ended up turning into analysis of the people around us, as well as our selves. I provided, what I hope to be insightful nuggets on subconscious self expression through clothing, where as Hannah indulged on the subject of conformity and new starts. I blame our church all girls schools partly for the way we've changed over the past few years. On my part, I think the regulatory and strict order of my school gave me a drive to be different and stand out, where for Hannah, it initially had the opposite effect of quite literally, conforming to the norm. (bet you can all tell my favourite subject is psychology)

But with her starting college soon, thanks to her 10 A*'s, yes, ten! It comes a time to break away and be bold. With this in mind as we strolled to New Look a little later in the day, I suddenly turned all random fashion TV programme on her and made her pick and outfit out for me, while I chose one for her! All photos taken of me are horrendously bad so i'll refrain from hurting your eyes, but since Hannah is super gorgeous its a must to see the before and after!

Here's the beautiful Hannah in her own outfit in which she looks like herself,
and here is her in the outfit I picked out for her. (Close friends of mine, note the Jess Corcoran pose)

Although Hannah was wearing burgundy jeans, me being a fan of colour, and texture and print made her tackle lace, polka dots and hot pink in a single outfit. Once upon a time i'm pretty sure that would have been too out of her comfort zone, but today she tried them on with little hesitation! She even bought the polka dot skirt, meaning i've successfully added 4 items of my own choice into Hannah's wardrobe over the past 18 months! 

This little style swap as a result of our deep wanderings was something I think we've both learnt a lot from. Although it may seem like its simply just fabric to some, it actually shows a lot about ourselves. I'm partial to throwing everyone into the deep end with everything clashing, believing I know whats best for them, revealing my selfish belief in myself as always being right.  Where as Hannah, who would have previously been more reserved was ready to take on the challenge set for her, probably brought about by her adjusting herself to the next few months of change and difference. She's going from uniform to whatever she wants to wear, different subjects, different friends, different time table. A lot of things are going to be new for her, and she's quite clearly relishing what is ahead. And as cheesy as it sounds, I'm so proud of her for leaving the past 5 years of familiarity for something different, as scary as it might seem! 

So I hope you enjoy college Han, here's to the many more Polka dots and Cappuccinos days we'll have over the next few years, don't ever change!


Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Blah Blah Blah.

I have to say that i think 'blahhh' should most definitely be classed as a legitimate word,  needing no other sort of formal explanation or introduction. See, I'm blogging in bed with my duvet wrapped around me, so yeah, blahhh certainly needs no pretentious elements or extra efforts to evoke a message of how I'm currently feeling. But just in case your not getting it, it might be handy to know that I'm makeup free, sporting unbrushed hair (I know, whats new?) and my biggest, most comfiest hoodie. Which is, in case your wondering, my Kidz Klub one, though you'll never see it because i refuse to wear it in public. I find it to be the most vile shade of blue, and the only person in the whole wide world that could ever put it off, is the legend that is Dave Collier! and well,  since I'm no Dave Collier, mine is reserved for the occasions of the following; blahhh.

Three hours sleep has left me with a major headache, temperature and only enough energy to type this blog post, (and tweet/facebook/tumblr/text but shhh!) and so I had to cancel my plans for the day. Oh, many vivid images of picturesque delights of a day in Chester with the extended family were blown to pieces come 6am. I even missed out on going out for teaa! And that may make me sound sad, pathetic and like I have absolutely no social life whatsoever, but who isn't partial to some hearty conversation over lovely food past 6pm? hmm, maybe in fact its you that needs to get out more...

I was gutted with my inability to greet August with at least a little joy, because the optimist inside me loves the dawning of a new month. No Joke, I positively adore the potential that a change from 28/30/31 to a single little 1 can bring.  Its a bit cheesy I know, but I can't help but have a burning admiration for the little things in life. Its like getting to be the first swipe of the knife on a new tub of butter, untouched before you make your mark. Just like a new month in someways. Utimately, your provided with 365 days to do something different, to be something new, to er, swipe the butter. But splitting up these opportunities into 12 handy snippets is a serious way to focus your attention.

So for me I guess its goodbye to blahh, regardless. And to instead embrace a new dawn, (a neww dayyy, a new life, forrrr meeee) and decide what I'm going to do in august. I don't mean keep my room tidy, or re arrange my furniture, but I mean which ways am I going to shape the mold of the coming days in order to change the world around me a little tiny bit?  I don't quite know yet. Do you?