Friday 3 December 2010


I've learnt a lot over the past couple of days. For me everything has been put into perspective somehow.
I now realise more then ever to be grateful for what I have and never to take for granted who I have around me. My Church is such a blessing and my leaders and  friends there just inspire me so much and make me understand what is important and encourage me to keep going when things get hard and to remember I'll always have both God and them to lean on. I realise even more I have an amazing best friend and I know it will stay that way forever because I couldn't live without her. Going and helping sort shoes boxes has made me realise were such a selfish society, we always want more when we are unbelievably lucky to even have clean water, Knowing that the children would be so happy with the little amount they were getting was actually quite emotional, I wish we were all so much more happy to receive the stupid amounts of presents we will get this year. Then here is the big shocker; I think fashion is pointless. More on that another time. Just please, realise how lucky you are and go out and live your life

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