Its time to get ready for September. Although for some summer might not even have begun, the trends of A/W '11 wait for no one. Or do they? I've spent a good helping of my time checking out designers new collections and although I'm interested, I don't really care.
Right now I feel absolutely nothing about fashion, after all the time I've spend dedicated to it its a big thing to admit, but nevertheless, Its absolutely true. I flicked through my new copy of Elle today, and although internally I silently cheered for the return of brogues in a big way, It lasted merely a second.
Fashion for me as been everything. Its been a faithful best friend, a first choice of conversation, a overwhelming part of my life, I've been in awe, in admiration of it. But I no longer seek it out. At this moment in time I have no desire for "fashion". I love clothes, and shoes. I still of course buy magazines by the bucket load and can spot a fake Mulberry or Chanel from a mile away but its like my heart isn't in it.
I've been through phases with fashion: back away slowly then suddenly re awake a love for it, but never have I felt like this for so long. So bring on the new patterns, shapes and textures, bring on something to throw me back into a love of fashion...I'm waiting for you to really impress me.
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