So when your near me, darling can't you here me? S.O.S
First of all, I'd like to apologize in advance of anything I might utter here that seems totally crazy. I'm I'll, and therefore I don't tend to make any sense. I also become even more useless at proof reading, if that is even possible of course. But anyway, my brain hurts, so I better get on with what I want you all to read so I can go back to feeling all sorry for myself while watching reality TV and coughing occasionally.
Basically, I want your clothes. And your shoes, bags, jewellery, hats, jumpers, you know the drill really don't you? Anything you don't want, I do. Of course, be reasonable with me people...I'm not after your scatty falling apart cardi's or some holy tights. (Oh yes, see what I did there? I know, its far too cheesy, but let me off because i'm ill)
But I want anything that is good quality, that no longer feels at home in your wardrobe. "But I give them to charity" I hear you sigh...well your all good folks, cause this is for my charity fashion show! well you know, the S.O.S charity fashion show, but same thing really. So stop mentally making up more excuses and go dig out all your no longer needed pieces so my lovely models can all wear them down the runway! We even sell them afterwards so we can make even more money for charity!
You want to come to the fashion show itself? aww I knew you would...simply buy a ticket of me in advance, or come down on the night! its 4 pound for adults, and 2 pound for under 14's! so what are you waiting for?
If you've any clothes you want to donate,, or inbox me on faceyb peoples.
*Apologies once again for being crazy*
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