Wednesday, 21 September 2011

FASHION & STYLE: Put your hats up...

See, one way to start this short but sweet post would be to talk about my unrequited love and admiration for black floppy hats. Admitting at this point that I stalk all various fashion week street style photography in order to find fashion editors and bloggers alike wearing my dream hat, seems a pretty obviously statement don’t you think? Apologies to all, your probably boring to my millinery infatuation. Why I'm off away on  some hat nonsense when I already dedicated at least of a third of a lengthy AW’ 11 blog post may seem rather pointless to ‘some of you‘. I take that back, and have decided that ‘most of you’ fits the bill much more aptly. Unless you saw me run back into school last Friday lunchtime some what excitedly cradling my Primark bag you will have failed to heard the news that once against proves me, Jess Corcoran to be contradictory. I say one thing, then do another. Always the way.

I said this was short and sweet, so let me keep to the point. And being blunt is best; I bought a hat. Practically the very same hat I’d written about with a somewhat lack of hope just days before.See I said I was not ‘a hat person', I’d even sub consciously told myself  many a time that I was not ‘a hat person’. But high diet coke levels and a £6 price tag collided and before I knew it I was in the queue, undoing all them years of my head telling my head it couldn’t wear what it wanted.

So therefore my advice to you: Do what you want. And don't stop doing what you want.
Please, never be afraid of being who you want to and wearing what you want. Stop all the comments inside your own head that claim a superiority when deciding outfits. And actually start living.
Be Taylor Monsem one day, A sugarplum fairy then next.

Let your inspirations shape you, and let the worries float away.
Your free, And beautiful.
So dress like it.


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