I loved her instantly from Chasing Pavements. Her deep soulful voice captured my heart in away no other artists has managed to master to the same level, even after 3 or so years of musical infatuations Adele has always had a place in my heart. That, I'd say, owes to her utter willingness to expose herself so openly through her music. Night after night on tour she bares her soul to thousands with the beautiful lyrics that either bare her heartbreak or screw you attitude, depending on the guy of course. Adele is real, she's the complete opposite of not only the talent, but also the image expected from the music industry. The fact that Adele cannot only write but also play both piano and guitar appears rather unusual in today's age. Listening to her not only makes me cry a hell of a lot but it also makes me happy. Its like therapy.
Now then, Adele on Vogue. Absolutely bliss. I've never anticipated a single magazine so much. I walked into the shop, saw it, and did some strange little celebratory dance. Then I spent the whole day cradling it and refusing to let anybody touch it. A person so real on a magazine that tends to be so fake is such a joy. She will not accommodate anybody else’s prejudice, she is who she is and you can like that or not. There's that fire you see with Adele on television, the outrageous laughter and non stop chatter mixed with the sensitivity you in her music. Its a brilliant combination, If she wasn't so alive you wouldn't feel the passion and raw emotion brought about by her re living them old memories constantly. I feel as if Adele is my friend because of her accessability. She's also fearless in her love, she'll jump even though she might still feel the pain of previous relationships. She's a true inspration to me, while still making me want to be me. she doesn't have to lessen the pain she speaks of nor develop a more eleagant laugh, or lose weight to cover a glossy fashion bible, the talent rules above it all. She's purely and openly herself, showing us all you don't have to change who you are to get what you want.
Thank you Adele.
It's a beautiful photograph of her and I like th orange font