Monday, 27 February 2012

Rebecca Richardson: 27 Million, Raise awareness

                   There are 27 million people enslaved in our WORLD right this very minute......

We've got to rise up, open our eyes up. Be her voice, be her freedom. Come on - STAND UP AND DO SOMETHING!

Download this song on Itunes, Amazon, etc so we can raise awareness and rise up and do something about it!

Lets rise up and make a difference
. Everyone should download the track to raise awareness of human trafficking that should not be happening across the world. Put a STOP to it, is is your turn!

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Just a thought..

                          Its your choice. You can choose to accept it, or you can walk away.
                               but its there, the price has been paid. Its the best gift ever.
                               Better then anything that this life can provide you with.

God loves YOU. and he has a plan for YOU. and ultimately I write holy tightss because of it. Yes i'm an opinionated stubborn thing at times, and of course, i like to be creative. but above it all, above everything, I think you hearing about Jesus is the most important thing ever. You can discount everything I've ever said, and everything I will ever say, as long as you understand this. Jesus paid the price for you to have a relationship with God.

The same God who created the oceans, can be your king. you just have to choose him. And not just once. But every day, every moment. Every single situation can be a struggle, but just know the end reward is so worth it.

God wants you to know him and to understand his love.

And I guess that just what i wanted to say tonight.

Saturday, 25 February 2012


Every time I write a shopping list, the humble shift dress always appears so I guess that it could quite possibly be considered as being my fashion resolution for twenty twelve. I'm on a mission to fill my wardrobe with more of the classic style in order to begin to translate my style into a more cost effective investment.

See the beauty of the shift dress is in its drape. And although mine still may be a little bit big even with the aid of a belt, Its just the type of garment you can throw on and go. You don't even really have to much if you don't want to. I would of course recommend accessories with any outfit, but they are optional with an item like this. 

The strange thing I found when wearing this out today was the length; Its an appropriate one. 
Due to my habit of wearing everything high waisted, the majority of my skirts/shorts are pretty short. So much so that I spend most of my days just looking like I'm wearing a coat and black tights. So cue this dress to make me look a little bit more 'done'.

In my rebellion to this half hearted polished look I was eager to do anything  in order to make myself feel a little bit scruffy. So on went the beaten up old converse.

Sorry, but I don't think I'll ever do classy.

Until next time.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012


  Lent always makes me think of the story in the bible of Jesus calling James & John. Its hard to actually grasp the full context of the story, but once you do, your faith can be questioned. See, when Jesus called them to be his disciples, without a second thought they got up, and followed. No pause and no hesitation.

That is all well and good, but you have to think about the implications. James & John left everything behind. Not just there possessions, but there livelihoods and families. Jesus said the word and they sacrificed it all for salvation and a walk with him.

I wonder if I could do this? Because I am being called to. As Christians we all are. For some it may mean literally dropping it all, like selling your house and moving to a third world country. But for the majority, we need to apply the James and John treatment to the smaller things in our lives. Knowing and sharing Jesus means being the light in the darkness, and it means being in this world, but not of it.

Holding my hands up straight away here...because as of this moment in time, I am so of the world. At this present moment my life reflects anything but living for the Lord-  it practically screams broken in every direction possible.  I guess I'm using these 40 days as a chance to change, to really question my life and everything in it. I need to give up life as I know it, and not just for lent, but forever. If I want a true relationship with God, its all got to go. The Words, the thoughts, the same old sins. Its got to be replaced by Jesus. And only Jesus.

We are being called to drop our old lives and shed our skin, and instead pick up the love and the grace of Jesus Christ. Knowing Jesus, really knowing and seeking him requires a huge sacrfice of your own selfish desires. Are you going to be like James & John and give it all up and Surrender it all for the sake of the king?

"This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!"- 2 Corinthians 5:17

Friday, 17 February 2012

Please Mr. Postman, look and see...

*Thanks to Maureen for my Christmas present*

I received this notebook back in December, and ever since I've been at a loss of what to use it for.
Call me crazy but I can't just leave a mass of paper without a purpose. Every time I buy a new notebook I've got its exact use in mind, so when someone else buys me one, my boundaries are pushed in order to develop a concept for which will be used on the once time trees.

I've wrote on 8 or so sheets of this pretty little thing, without any direction. My thoughts scattered on the pages have been random and a little lacking. That was until tonight.

I picked it up and started writing myself a letter, and when I flicked back, I realised I'd already wrote someone else a letter in it. And there, without me choosing, the ribbon printed wonder had found its full potential.

This notebook will hold the letters I'll never send or show anyone else. but I might as well share a little edited version of the first letter I wrote in it...

"I miss, everything that used to be.
I can't miss you properly, because you haven't even gone anywhere.
I want to be people we used to be.

I think your a idiot at times, but I do love you.
More then I can really say.

Love Jess xx

Thursday, 16 February 2012

There was a crazy moose, and he drank a lot of juice.

This week, woww. Safe to say I'm pretty speechless, but for what I lack in words I can deliver a huge mix of tiredness, relief and experience.

Its been great, even brilliant. And believe me 24 hours ago I would not have ever said that. (at that point I was lightheaded from only eating chocolate, exceptionally tired a night in a tent and feeling completely unlike a girl as I was wearing pants.) I've learnt that as stubborn as I am, I can actually have err... fun? doing some sort of physical activity. I mean don't worry, I'm not saying I enjoyed it, but kanoing 6K is quite entertaining when it wants to be. People keep asking if i'm proud of what I've achieved, and the answer is  I'm proud of what we've achieved. We pulled together like we had all known each other for years. If anyone was upset, we'd all deliver in providing our very own versions of their favourite bands songs. And the hugs and hand holding were in full supply when we felt we couldn't do it alone.

 The campsite/home for one night was a random piece of land in the middle of wales, toilet free of course.
So yes, I went there. Strangest. thing. ever, and something I'd like not to repeat.

What else is there to say? Well I spent today having to remind myself I wrote a blog about fashion, scroll down and you'll see my completely miss matched outfit, scroll up and you'll find my sexy Asda trainers. I also love how I had to share a Spork with Rebecca Richardson, a mouthful of meatballs each :/ and go Rach Smithhh...none of us had even brushed our teeth or changed clothes, but out she whips her foundation!

The 12K walk was a bit of a low moment, but we all got through it, with Oreos and water from a stream.
 As was the night in the tent...we awoke every hour, and at 2 in the morning I announced it was 6.45 and that the birds were tweeting. then I began to tweet. Yeah, think i was a little crazy by then...

The nicest thing was landing in to the yellow bed that creaked everytime you breathed, it might have been dire on Monday night, but felt like heaven by Wednesday. But where does God fit into all of this? He's shown me that although it may not always feel like, he's giving me so much strength to do things I never thought I could!

The thing i'll take away the most from this is that the people that will pull you up mountains, make you laugh when your crying, hold your hand to stop you falling, and couldn't give a damm if your wearing makeup or the state of your hair, are the ones to hold onto.

Its been a surreal 4 days, but thank you to everyone that made it special! ROLL ON VIRGINIAAAA!

Sunday, 12 February 2012

The wonder of your love, will break the chains that bind us.

So I said I wasn't blogging again...but here I am, putting virtual pen to paper. I feel the need to tell you all that right now, I've moving in circles. But I also need to explain that this is not a new found part of my life, and that I've been moving in this same circle for as long as I've been a Christian. The story goes something like: Find God, try to live for god, finally feel like your getting someone, start to forget God, lose god, and once again Find God.

But I'm not content with this type of relationship with God. I want to know Jesus as my lord at all times, no matter the consequences. I want to live to serve, and I want to be ready to stand with the faith of knowing God.This means change, and its something I've forever been toying with, I've seen people in my life who have been totally changed and transformed by the holy spirit. Even just thinking of a few of them now leaves me amazed. There the type of people you catch a glimpse of Jesus in. And over the years at camps and churches, I've started that Journey to becoming a changed person, but I've not let God finish It.

It scares me, cause when I sat down to write this I didn't know what the ending would be, but I guess God can work through everything.  But here I am, declaring to you all, That I'm going to let God continue his work in me...and nothing can stop that.

God is greater and bigger then anything, I've just got to remember that. I want to be changed by the love of Jesus.

She listens like Spring, and talks like June.

I know, I'm such an organized blogger. When I awoke this morning/afternoon I had already concluded to wear my patterned tights that featured hearts in order to take some photographs to celebrate Valentines day.
Had you fooled there I know, I just happened to chuck them on cause my plain black tights wear being annoying. And I got home, and my camera was around,  so yeah, CLICK, FLASH, SORTED.

I'd say I was planning to do a themed post for Tuesday, but I honestly really wasn't...because even if I was...I wouldn't be able to do anything about it. This week, I'm off to Wales on a trip. All I'm saying is that in involves exercise...and that you really don't want to see the 'trainers' I've had to buy. They are black with purple I mention it I feel a little bit ill...

Unfortunately, I'll be away from civilization and signal until Thursday evening...but feel free to text me/email me/tweet me, basically contact me in anyway you can so I do not go completely insane. Or if you need something new to read in the mean time, check out the S.O.S blog I'll be running from now until April.

I hope that all you readers have a lovely week,  and don't laugh too much at the though of me walking up a mountain in trackie pants.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

I know you get me, so I let my walls come down

Things: Don't give up card from form teacher,  God loves you man from sound 2010, Map of Chatsworth, Wok & Go poster, Moonpig birthday card - Me & Alex Turner, God parent Declaration, Ticket from Picasso Exhibition at the Tate, Hamma bead rainbow Rebecca made at Bakewell one year, Letter about Cyfa weekend away 2009, London fashion weekend programme, Invitation to the TNT Christmas meal, Random Drawing, London Underground map, Rebecca & I, Thank you from Trinity, Bakewell leaflet, Trinity church statement thing, Contract that I wouldn't go on tumblr during in GCSE time, Card from Val and Eddie,  London fashion weekend ticket, Community carols at roby leaflet.

Things:Beatles picture from the Guardian, postcard from the Tate, train tickets from Liverpool - Roby, Dolly Parton ticket,
Tate postcard, Andy Warhol postcard, Starbucks cup holder, Nowhere boy poster, Tracy Emin postcard, Arctic Monkeys ticket, Liverpool fashion week ticket, Efriday postcard, Birthday Card with Marilyn Monroe quote,  Jean Shrimpton in New York by David Bailey,  Keep Calm & Carry on poster.
Photos: Best friends for lyf, Its your move group, Bakewell youth, I love smith, my roby lot, My best friends called Rebecca, Easter Sunday with Cyfa.

Verse: "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord,  they are plans for good and not for disaster,  to give you a future and a hope" - Jeremiah 29:11

First of all, the title of the post. I just thought I was being all cool and ironic by using the line of a song that included walls...If its still really annoying you and you haven't worked out what it is by now, its from Teenage dream by Katy Perry. 

 Basically, All I'm doing is showing you what is around my walls. My collage & pinboard 'thing' (I know, very technical term) are a very,very, very edited down version of all the possible things I could use.  And the bible verse, is my current favourite. 


Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Here comes the sun, little darling.

Don’t worry, I do have access to a thermometer and know that right now, the sun seems very far away. This was in fact made extremely obviously to me when I spent the first Saturday of the month trailing around town, cold and wet, with a miserable expression glued to my face. But I decided to deem the classic song as the title of my post due to the fact that while I half heartedly traipsed around the city centre looking less attractive than a dog who’d just participated in its annual bath, a busker did his best to cheer all us windswept onlookers up just a little.

This photo quite simply illustrates what I’m starting to desire. Its not a full blown consuming need just yet, but by the way things are heading, its possibly it could rapidly transform over the coming weeks. See, I want summer. You see the hints of my desperation for the season in the purchasing a Raspberry frappchino while its winter. (1. they were out of mango, 2. Rebecca got coffee)

I could not care less about spring; to me it seems a huge waste of time. The awkward months between the ice and heat where we spend our days wondering if its yet acceptable to begin so slowly deny ourselves the comfort found in thick opaque’s, or to transfer from the all weather coat into a less bulkier, and pretty much completely un waterproof jacket or blazer.  Though saying that, the weather itself does not influence my love for the season.

I love summer because it’s the only chance in the year to live. Instead of the monotonous routine we exist in for most of the year summer brings fun & freedom. The very thought of it provides my imagination with dreams of long days filled with nothing in particular. It’s the few months of the year, when plans are not needed in advance, and they happen spontaneously, almost of their own accord. Without even realising it, summer also signals new people.  For the past few years, July and August have meant so many new relationships with people I now could not imagine life without.

After finishing one set of exams, and the thought of another heading my way, I’m just wishing for time away from that pressure and stress. A time when everything seems so magical and exciting. Summer signals ice cream and denim shorts, but it also announces an electric atmosphere and plenty of fun..

Only a few months to go...

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Black Treacle

My single biggest regret of the whole of my school life...Not taking an Art GCSE. I know I can't draw or paint, or do anything majorly practical at all...but I just love being creative. My head is constantly filled with colour & ideass I just like to scribble down. When it comes to this though, black ink pens are a must. We ain't taking about any old Biro here, or something blue, but a smooth, almost silky one that glides effortlessly across whatever paper that may appear.

I've had a unbelievable love for capturing thoughts like this since the days of year 10. I made a skirt with a doodle design (Note to self: Must find) and ever since, I suddenly find myself repeating the almost comforting flow of pen to paper. Above are some very poor doodles of mine, but as my mission as of late is to actually act on my creativity, I'm posting them here!

Thursday, 2 February 2012

My January.

1. Opportunities have arose in many a shape over the past month. Not only am I now running Ignite (the schools Christian lunchtime group) I'm also at F.Y.I & Kidz Klub! Although their not new in fitting into my schedule its great to have regular chances to tell people about God! I also took whole school assembly on Monday (were talking like 800 people, ahhhhh!) Around the themes of the Holocaust & acceptance of difference in society...It was amazing to be able to have a chance to really make many people think on such an important topic.

2. I've not read a book in such a long time. And I've really missed sitting down and soaking up wonderful descriptions and thoughts, so this month I started reading the help, and I'm seriously trying to spend a little time each day getting lost in a book, I've missed invading the world of a character on a regular basis.

3. Something new comes in the form of making videos! For the previous two weeks after FYI we've took a few photos...and then I've sped them up and added a song to turn them into watchable videos...So far we've did one for "The Tim Gill dance" (its a St. Barts thing) and 'I will worship you for who you are'. If you want to see them go to my YouTube channel which of course is, Holy Tightss.

4. Possibly the best way to ever spend a Friday morning is at Work experience. Big shocker for you all when I say I'm doing it in church, bet you would have never guessed that one now would you? its been really fun to just have a chatt & plan stuff for things like FYI or Ignite! We are also going to start fashion show planning, excited much!

5.Some of you will know I'm impatient at the best of times. I just always want to know whats going to happen and the thought of having it revealed to me piece by piece is an idea I particularly struggle with! But God's plan is unfolding, particularly with this summer. Its so strange to see life is really like a jigsaw! I still want to cry everytime uni or the thought of the future is mentioned, but i'm getting there!

6. I've started listing everything good that happens in the week, every week! Its really good to help you focus on all the good things, no matter how little they might be! maybe you should try it out!

7. January has meant far too many evenings & weekends spent in scruffy clothes, textbook in front of my face! Revision over Christmas time was horrible but I guess I made it through! Sixth form has started all the Uni talk, and I'm so undecided about EVERYTHING!

8. I need to be more creative, that's all.

9. Fashion is just not who I am anymore. Its crazy, and its strange, but its true. I don't know what this means for Holy Tightss either, I'm not giving up blogging by any means, and I'll alwaysssssssss love clothes, but I'm just a bit unsure at the moment!

Hope you have all had a brilliant month! I'll blog again (on who knows what?!) soon enough!