To sum up Bakewell in merely just words is impossible. Even when you chuck in pictures, quotes and bible verses its hard to grasp at the sentences that would somehow explain the week in basic terms and give you an insight to the absolutely amazing events and moments that occured during the 7 days. There was obviously fun but never in the 4 or so years that I've been a christian have I ever witnessed something held so firmly in God's grip and controlled by him. I have total trust in God having a plan for my life and everything happening for a reason,but when you actually catch a glimp of a part of his plan, in greater terms rather then just one designed for your own life its really puts into context the overwhelming power of God.
I'm still struggling to say what I'd like to say about the week, so many thoughts but so little structure to place them before you with. Perharps I'll just leave you with this,
Jesus is so very relevent in our world and society today, maybe even more so then when he first came down because although then there was suffering and pain, the suffering and pain of todays modern age seems even more apparent and so many in our world are so very lost, I was pretty lost before Bakewell, I knew my savior, but some how I'd forgotton his power. If i've learnt anything, Its that my God saves. I saw a miracle while on camp, A miracle of not just healing but of what can be accomplised through prayer. I saw many turn to God for the first time, and I saw many turn to God again. Telling you that in simple words seems pointless, it does nothing in revealing the true amazingness of God to you..but I can tell you God is amazing, and I can pray that that is enough for you to somehow begin to understand God at a little more.
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