Wednesday, 3 August 2011

REVIEW: Twitter, be my hero. Grab your cape.

I'm thanking Twitter for making me happy. No, I'm not some social networking freak (actually I take that back, I probably am) but through my humble little @holytightss account did I begin to discover a company after my own heart.

To all your Jeans lovers wandering about, throw at me your various reasons for citing your supposed worn out wonders as wardrobe essentials? "They go with everything" or for the less fashion conscious around? "there comfy." Well I'll let you in on a little secret, the way you feel about your cotton trousers is the same way I feel about my cotton T-shirts. But printed, to be precise.

And that is were Hero and Cape steps in, drum roll please. They are a new British fashion label, providing us with fantastic creative graphics to slap across our torso's, and get this - there individually printed to order. What I love about them is that there aiming to be unique and for them being only a small company works to there advantage. Don't you just hate it when you go into a massive department store and the cashiers hardly acknoweldge your existence? Hero and Cape practically thrive in just knowing they have delivered you the customer with everything and more you could have possible wanted from there T-shirts. There's also Jewellery around on the site for you to browse at, so why not take a look?

so what are you waiting for?


  1. This is such a fantastic write up, Jess. I look after their blog, so I have (immediately) put your link up on their Awesome Blogs link

    I think Niki may have already seen this but if he hasn't, I'll tell him to read it asap. He will be delighted. You're right in that we take pride in our designs, and we never want to let our customers down. It takes up to 3 hours to print one tshirt (a lot of love and care!) I also love what you said about us being a small company and that it's in our favour. As a tiny business myself, I make sure I remember all my customers and listen to everything they've got to say. I take on board all their feedback, good or bad. So if you ever have any suggestions for Hero&Cape, let Niki know, we'll make it happen!

    Thank you so much for being such a trooper to indie brands!!! xxxx

  2. aww thank you so much! :) i really just adore everything that hero and cape stands for :) its a honour to be able to blog about them! xxx

  3. Hiya Jess,

    I love their designs and have been hm-ing and ar-ing about weather or not to purchase for a while but you have just sold me on this as yes, i can go and get one from TopShop but it won't have been made with "love".


  4. aww yay that's great, i adore hero and cape! xx
