Sunday, 28 August 2011

RELIGION: Not just another Christian T-Shirt.

To describe S.O.S, is a pretty big challenge. In a sense it was more earthy grounded then the whole experience of Bakewell this year (I will get round to making the page, I promise) but you can't deny the huge out pouring of blessing on not just the whole week in general but in everything from the simple conversations, "ooh, what's your T-shirt say?" to the short but very thought provoking teaching in the morning.

Basically, It involved 4 days Serving Our Streets, (S.O.S, get it?) through all sorts of different activities and projects...we helped in a charity shop, served quite literally through helping out in a soup kitchen, ran a holiday club and sorted out people's gardens. We all gave up our time to do this for one reason in common, we wanted to share the love of Jesus to the people we pass every day in the street.  we wanted and still want to be a light to them and guide them to the one thing that there life is lacking in, we want to show them that they can only fill the emptiness inside them one way...the knowing God way.

If your reading this you might possibly think that I'm just chatting on about another God related project or event I've been too, believe me,  I'm not.  S.O.S was not just another Christian T-shirt I collected. It was a near week of changing peoples lives, of planting seeds of faith in to peoples hearts, and of showing them love.

S.O.S has not just continued a change in me, but its begun a change in others. A lesson of this is not to just devote a week of your time to serving God, but to surrender all your time, your God given time, to God himself. Always be on the look out for opportunities to be an example to others, Always be willing to love others regardless of the really could be the only chance they hear the amazing news of the grace that's been given freely to us.

Get up every day and remember your forgiven, remember you've got Jesus to cling onto and that should make you different. And if it doesn't...are you just simply collecting another Christian T-shirt?

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