Wednesday, 21 December 2011


I began my day like every other one free from the early mornings that school brings. Sleeping to late, and then when I finally decide to face the early afternoon, I reach for my laptop. My first online stop of the day involves browsing my favourite blogs (I will tell you more about them another time) and stalking various tumblrs for inspiration. At some point during this hour or so, I stumble on Alexa Chung, Miranda Kerr and a bunch of other models numerous times. But no matter what the context, I seem to find myself once again confronted by the beauty of the Olsen's which these days, is even more ever appearing, considering now their sister Elizabeth is in the spotlight too.

The beauty of Mary Kate and Ashley has always astonished me. Even when I was a little girl did I wish to be them, be it influenced from their programme 'Two of a kind' or the clothing range they designed for Wallmart. Now, part of me still wishes to be like them. They seem so polished, pretty, and well, almost perfect. A huge mix of everything I feel I will never be, thrown in to a pair of beautiful twins that still seem to gracefully haunt over the fashion world. I know I'm certainly not alone in this craving to be this kinda of utterly spectacular and talented in every possible sense.  With this granted, I felt the need to once again confess my love for the designers of The Row & Elizabeth and James, and my desire to look like them. So I posted a status about it. And I have to say, I was honestly shocked by the people who liked it. For every single one of them I see as beautiful, wonderful people that hold no fault that should ever make them want to be like someone else. It really saddens me to realise that people only see the negitives in themsleves, rather then the overwhelming positives.

If some of you that know me well are now shouting at the scream for my utter levels of hypocracy and contradictiveness then I apologize. I understand that in saying all this to you, I have to understand that I'm beautiful to. It makes me feel somewhat fake to even write that statement, as to me it seems completely full of falsities. But it is in fact true. I feel strange again saying that, but I've got to get over that. Because I am beautiful, though not in a vain, self centred, photogenic way. But in a 'I am a child of God and created wonderfully way'.

And so is everyone one else. Every single person that reads this and makes some automatic comment to themselves that somehow excludes thems from the above statement - I know I'd do it too.
So before you go on about your legs, or teeth, freckles, or double chin. Remember this... without them you would not be beauitful. God created you to be beautiful, in the way you are sitting reading this now. I'm sitting typing with a bare face and greasy hair. And when I look in the mirror, I need to remember that I'm beautiful, I'm beautiful just like you.

Yes I want to look like Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen, But I also want to look like me. And looking like the person you were made be is far more beauitful then trying to look like someone else.

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