Thursday, 29 December 2011

I realise that I'm at quite a high risk of turning into one of those blogs that only ever rambles, with no substance whatsoever. I know that I don't hold anywhere near the highest levels of quality writing or photography, but in my own mind I'd at least I'd like to think that I don't do too awful a job. My blog is far from perfect, but I hope the majority of times you think what I have to say is a somewhat decent attempt at opinion sharing.

So here we are, my apology to you all. But again in one sense I'm not sorry. Okay, contradictory I know. 
Basically I am very sorry I created a huge build up to my Christmas post, and then didn't even write one, buttttttt I'm not apologising for the fact I have a life. I hope that does not appear harsh, but its something I need to say now, and to keep reminding myself of as the year continues.

I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to be sharing with all you wonderful people that read my blog, but If I'm not enjoying it, I need to remind myself, the world is not going to end. I need to keep my relationship with god on track and set aside time to be praying and reading my bible instead of checking my stats or making a new banner. And essays have to come before posts, as does revision. I want you to be able to tell my blog is something I enjoy, but at the moment, Its something that causes me to stay up late worrying.

So yes, I didn't post, because I didn't have the time, and I didn't want to be glued to my laptop, and well, I didn't have to be. This blog is mine, to choose what I do with. And for now, I'm choosing to put life before it.

(Ignore the fact that my banner says happy new year, I needed something new, as always :))

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