Sunday, 18 December 2011


The first Christmas that I can remember is when I got my BMX bike! It was an absolutely brilliant Christmas. Those where the days when Santa was so real! In fact I can't actually remember when I found out that Santa wasn't a real person. Hmm? Oh well!!

Over the years Christmas has meant many things to me, when I was young it was all about presents and Santa. Then as I became a bit older it was still about presents but it became more about helping others to have a good christmas. I with my family went to the missionaries of charity to serve the homeless and that was humbling in itself! My look on Christmas changed again not only was it about presents and helping others but it was about how we dress Christmas. I became more interested in how our house looked, I wanted to decorate the tree every year I wanted an order to the house because I wanted it to be dressed beautifully for Christmas! That became my favourite part of Christmas, it became my focus, it became MY Christmas! Throughout this I knew the real story of Christmas, being the birth of Jesus but it never really sunk into my life, it never was the centre.

Decorating is still a fantastic part of my Christmas as is the turkey dinner, the time with family, the rest, pretending that Santa is real (although still a part of me still thinks he is) but they are no longer the centre of my Christmas. You can decorate Christmas with all of the items mentioned above but they hold no reality of Christmas. The reality is the story of a baby being born in a stable, yes a stable! Strip away all of the decorations that show what Christmas apparently is, you get my saviour, our saviour! Jesus.

Think when you open your presents, when you sit around the table with your presents, when you watch your favourite films, over this period that we celebrate, there are people that don't have the luxuries and don't have the family to share with, pray for them.

In the end Christmas boils down to one person, Jesus Christ! Don't  X him from this holiday, Christmas starts with CHRIST and he is our savour and our friend. However you dress Christmas he is always apart of it, we don't realise but he is. Don't leave him in the background.

The first Christmas that I can remember is when I got my BMX bike! It was an absolutely brilliant Christmas. This year and every year to come I will remember Jesus and that makes CHRISTmas absolutely brilliant!

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