Sunday, 11 December 2011

THIS IS MY CHRISTMAS: Ruth Betteridge.

Christmas for me is not a fussy affair were all the extended family come round for Christmas dinner, don't get me wrong I do see them during the season - but not all on Christmas day. Our Christmas day routine has been since my grandad and Nana died. It has been presents, get ready for church, be late for church, go to my auntie and uncles for 'sherry'. Which has become more exciting over the past few years as my cousins now have children and is lovely to see how excited they get. So after this visit we go home,  'play with our presents', have lunch and then slob out in front of the Christmas TV. Christmas is a quiet day of rest for my family.

 For this year though we are changing the tradition instead of just being at home we are going to a friends house for Christmas dinner. Where there will be 5 of us and 2 digs this year.

The build up of Christmas is better than the actual day with the carol services, my birthday, Christmas parties etc. As a Christian I always discover something new at Christmas time even though I have heard the story so many times. This year, after the one carol service was light , there was light created when Ye was born (the star) as well as him being the light and when he dies the bible tells us that the earth was dark for 3 hours. This is something really simple but I had never thought about it in that way before, you may think oh this story is so old and I know it like the back of my hand but I suggest to should look at it in a different way,  maybe like its the first time you have heard it.

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