Thursday, 22 December 2011


CHRISTmas. It's quite self explanatory, Christmas is first and foremost about Christ. I'd love to be able to say that my day is therefore ALL about worshipping my most amazing God...but let's be real here, for me, it's not...... the day starts bright and early (even though last nights carol singing till 1am almost killed me) and we all congregate in the living room to begin present brother being himself has usually unwrapped,played with and got bored of his gifts by the time I get downstairs after only a matter of minutes but I take time in opening mine:') after opening everything (whilst writing down the list of present givers and presents for my mums later nagging of writing thank you cards) I eat breakfast at the table if theres time and if not I eat it on the way to church...either way, it's indefinite I'll eat (at least) half a selection box before 11am;)
For me Church on a Christmas day has always been good fun, miming or humming to carols because of a sore throat from christmas eve carol singing, receiving some rather questionable knitted items from old people who forgot my name every other week and feeling queasy from my pre afternoon binge eat are just some of the highlights i can recall and this year I'm hoping it'll be even better!;) back at home the same routine prevails every year, mum makes dinner, mum fusses that everyone needs to eat more dinner, we eat more dinner, mum eats tiny portion and says she's full... it's a routine I don't question, I merely observe and go along with;') 

...on Christmas day eve..?? (sounds wrong but we'll go with it) I usually spend my time watching a film (often 'The Holiday' cause who doesn't love Jude&Cameron&Kate&Jack?!;))and this year, my boyfriend Mark* will come round and most likely eat a second Christmas dinner before being forced to watch a film he doesn't want to see:') 
I'll go to bed smiling on Christmas day knowing that my day was filled with the people I love and I wouldn't change that for the world:) 

*Mark- scroll down to read his post but just be warned its not as funny or interesting;) 


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